Onset of Lockdown

Onset of Lockdown

The last one to leave.
When the lights went out
and the office died,
as nearly all did, in fear,
and obedience. The virus comes.
Unknown future, often said,
now, understood. Really unknown.

The last lonely plant,
drooping, dried, looking dead,
succulent or cactus,
name, provenance, unknown.
Oh Lord, take that home too.
Tidy up, heave into the bag.
Take it. No-one else would.

Life rearranges behind masks.
Around walks, distances kept.
Find quietness and birds that sing.
Walk cleaner roads.
Time passes in ordinary tasks
around the home, food, company,
on zoom, interact carefully, water the plants.

Virus passes through,
masks go as vaccines come.
Home and office patterns shift, hybridize.
Still walking and watering the plants.
Enjoyment solid every day,
loving life, and health.
Aloe Vera thrives, alive to love.

This poem is for Isela, thankyou.

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