The Plan

From Mary Oliver:
“Watching a Documentary about Polar Bears Trying to Survive on the Melting Ice Floes.

That God had a plan, I do not doubt.
But what if His plan was, that we would do better?

The Plan

OK, now, be active, time to do something.
Make Things Better.
_____ Yes. YES. I ‘m starting.
___________ Let me know the plan.
___________________You know what I mean, THE PLAN.

The guide maybe, and a map
Where next? Which direction?
What do you mean, Do Better?

Better How? What ?
What kind of better?

I could be a better cook. Use the recipe book, but then
I have to go and shop for the right ingredients
I don’t have.
So I cook according to what happens to be there.
It’s usually soup. Good soup.
But I suppose it could be better.

I could be a better friend.
Yes I know we are not supposed to meet in houses now.
But I could phone.
In a while, after I’ve got my tea.
Then I pick up the book and forget.
I know I could be a better friend.

I could be a better sister.
I have two. As soon as I think that
I remember the family dance
I could disrupt it.
Would that be better for one and not the other?
Better for me, or for them?

I told you I needed a plan.
I don’t think there is a plan.
And I don’t think there is a you either.
Sorry. No God. Just life, in everything.
I do try to live it as best I can
With everyone else and everything.

With or without a plan.
Maybe a little one.
Just for now, today.


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