Hymn to Tree Hugging

This picture was shared at creative writing, two of our colleagues, J and J, gave permission to use it.

Tree Thoughts

Happy guys hugging, heartfelt enjoyment
Can the tree hear the call of pleasure?
Hear how its very presence
gives grace and joy to those who stop to hear.

The canopy above finds other voices
reaching to the sky, light with sun’s glare,
filtering shade, chlorophyll invisible,
chemistry created molecular magic.

Deep inside the swirls of bark
capillaries lengthen, silently suck
lay down a soft necklace
lignin is dark, marks the ring of age.

Lichen lives without roots on striations
shelters the mites, the crawlies that gather,
the birds are at home in their twigbound shelters
Men embrace, laugh, hold all for one moment.

The unthought upwelling of life shows teeth.

I would like to hear what you think of this. Please tell me